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A Dynamic Father-Son Partnership

BY Realty Plus

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Father's Day is a day of honouring fatherhood and paternal bonds, as well as the influence of fathers on the next generation. C. N. Govindaraju, Founder – Vaishnavi Group and his son Darshan Govindaraju, Director, Vaishnavi Group speak on their professional camaraderie.   C.N Govindaraju  did you always want your son to follow in your steps professionally? I always had an open mind. Darshan chose to work with me. It has now been 4.5 years of Darshan being a part of Team Vaishnavi.   What is the best part of working with your son? Darshan comes across as a balanced person. He is quite meticulous in his planning. Moreover, he is cautious and has a conservative approach in the business decision making process. Darshan currently manages the commercial portfolio and also oversees the sales, marketing and CRM activities. I strongly believe Darshan has the right ingredients to run this business going forward.            Darshan Govindaraju what is the biggest learning from your father at work? The biggest advantage of working with my father is that I have a first class seat at seeing how a buisness leader makes decisions in the larger interest of a company, tying all the aspects together. This is great learning in itself because these are real life scenarios with tangible rewards and repercusions, and that allows one to foster a 360 degree understanding of issues rather than having a unilateral view.   What is the most challenging part about working together? The most challenging part about working together is that it is hard to keep up with his speed and modus of thinking sometimes. I have to ask him what he means and after he explains it, I have an "Aha!" moment. This is not really a challenge but more of an educative process for me!  

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