

TD Bank's Commercial Real Estate Group Closes More than 300 Transactions in 2015

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America's Most Convenient Bank TD Bank has announced that its Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Group closed more than 300 transactions totaling $5.1 billion in commitments in 2015, highlighting the continued demand for TD's range of real estate financing products and the continued strength of the commercial real estate sector. "Steadily improving economic conditions have supported continued demand for commercial real estate financing, particularly in the housing sector," said Gregg Gerken, Senior Vice President, TD Bank Group, and Head of U.S. Commercial Real Estate Lending at TD Bank. “Through its lending commitment for low-income housing tax credits, new markets tax credits, and "80/20" financing, in 2015 TD's CRE team also closed 35 transactions totaling more than $626 million in commitments to support local communities from Maine to Florida,” according to PRNewswire. "Our most recent CFO Survey found that more than a quarter of respondents anticipate allocating capital to new facilities in 2016, so we expect this trend to continue over the next 12 months," Gerken said. "We're excited to be a part of this growth and look forward to partnering with companies to provide flexible financing solutions to meet their commercial real estate needs."

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