

London residential rental market disparate

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Rents in London have peaked in many locations with the market currently stagnant and facing uncertainty due to the UK deciding to leave the European Union, the latest analysis suggests. While Benham & Reeves Residential Lettings' Heat Map generally shows relatively consistent trends across the capital, second quarter results show a disparate market. For example rents were up more than four per cent in Chelsea but in nearby South Kensington they were down more than four per cent. Similar contradictory results were to be found across London with adjacent areas showing wildly different fortunes. The report explains that even in the early part of this year, uncertainty over Brexit was affecting the prime central London rental market. Non-nationals were awaiting the result of the referendum while UK nationals were finding better value in East London and the suburbs. Rents in central London were falling, much to the frustration of landlords who were also suffering from the double blow of stagnating capital growth. Rental value growth was to be found in outer London until recently. However, the most recent figures from Benham & Reeves Lettings demonstrates that rental values have finally peaked there, as well. Most areas outside of prime central London saw rents plateau or boast only nominal growth.

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