Latin America’s solar plant
The 292 MW Nova Olinda solar plant is being constructed by Enel Green Power’s Brazilian subsidiary, Enel Green Power Brasil. The company is already responsible for the country’s largest solar plant — the 11 MW Fontes Solar and is also responsible for the construction of what will be the second largest solar project in Brazil, the 254 MW Ituverava solar power plant. Nova Olinda is owned by four special purpose vehicles all under Enel Green Power Brasil, and is being constructed in Ribeira do Piauí in Brazil’s north-eastern state of Piauí. Nova Olinda is expected to be completed in the second half of 2017, will cover an area of 690 hectares, and will generate more than 600 GWh of clean electricity each year, enough to meet the annual needs of approximately 300,000 Brazilian households. The solar plant will also avoid greenhouse gas emissions worth 350,000 tonnes of CO2-equivalent.