

Canada Funnels Largest Investment in Housing among OECD Countries

BY Realty Plus

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Canadian housing mania is consuming more and more of the country’s capital. The country is now devoting a record share of gross fixed capital to build homes. Canada spends a bigger share of investment capital on housing than any country in the whole OECD, by a very large margin too.  Canada is devoting an epic share of its GFCF to housing investment, to levels never seen. Residential investment consumed 37.2% of GFCF in 2020, up 11.4% from the previous year. In 2000, this number was just 22.4%, so it’s now consuming 66.1% more of the country’s fixed capital investment. A third of economic investment is just to warehouse people. To say it’s disproportional for the size of the economy is a big understatement.

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Tags : INTERNATIONAL residential Real Estate Housing Investment Canada Funnels OECD Countries