

Australia’s Bankrupt real estate agent caught continuing dishonest dealings

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A bankrupt Christchurch’s real estate agent has pleaded guilty to 12 charges under the Insolvency Act after being caught continuing dishonest many dealings in the real estate industry. The agent pleaded guilty to managing a business while bankrupt, concealing property and obtaining credit without the consent of the Official Assignee in Australia. The agent ChairatSantipongchai changed his name via deed poll to Henry Harrison. Official Assignee (OA) Ross van der Schyff described Santipongchai's offending as complicated and extensive. In breach of the restrictions that apply during bankruptcy, Santipongchai established housing construction company MD Global Developments Limited, sourced credit from an associate who was unaware of his bankrupt status and appointed his son as director. Santipongchai also actively sought to conceal the little profit that the company had made from the OA. Santipongchai was sentenced to 12 months home detention and 200 hours of community work earlier.

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