

Abu Dhabi Builds Region’s First-Ever Quantum Supercomputer

BY Realty Plus

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Quantum physicists at the Abu Dhabi’s Technology Innovation Institute have begun building the region’s first quantum supercomputer as the capital’s team sees developing quantum capabilities and it has unboxed the cryostat — the initial frame of its quantum computer as a critical achievement for the Arab world. Abu Dhabi is building the quantum computer in collaboration with Barcelona-based Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech. The quantum computer once it takes shape, can prove invaluable in diverse fields — from discovering new medicines to designing better batteries, and also help in multiple artificial intelligence applications. Quantum computers are machines that use the properties of quantum physics to store data and perform computations. This can be extremely advantageous for certain tasks where they could vastly outperform even our best supercomputers. TII’s Quantum Research Centre (QRC) is spearheading the landmark advanced technology project that aims to give the world a quantum advantage through developing a supercomputer with exponential computational capabilities. Two helium dilution refrigerators arrived from Finland earlier this week in massive wooden crates, an essential component that uses helium isotopes to cool the quantum chips or the brain of the computer and maintain the quantum information. The dilution fridge comprises six levels — the top one is at room temperature, with the temperature steadily dropping in the lower levels until the device can achieve the extremely low temperature of 10 Milikelvin (mK) — one-hundredth of the temperature of outer space — that is optimal for the quantum chip to operate.

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