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SAIL's IISCO Steel Plant records highest production

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Steel Authority of India's IISCO Steel Plant (ISP) posted its highest ever production of crude steel at 146025 tonne in July taking its total saleable steel figure to an all time high of 140401 tonne. The plant's Coke Oven Battery #11 complemented the performance producing its highest ever 2818 oven pushing along with the Sinter Plant which also reported its highest ever production of 292076 tonne of Sinter in during the month.

ISP's Bar Mill too touched a new high by producing 46,488 tonne in July. It also registered its highest ever production in a day of 2495 metric tonnes on July 3, 2017. "The achievements provide a thrust to our commitment to make the most of the positive steel scenario in the country" said Rajesh K Rathi, chief executive officer of the plant.

Burnpur completed Rs 16,000 crore modernization-cum-expansion plan that raised its capacity from 0.85 million tonne to nearly 2.9 million tonne. As part of the modernisation, the plant tripled its hot metal capacity from 0.85 to 2.9 million tonne per annum (MTPA) taking steps to move towards green and high quality steelmaking.

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