Rustomjee installs Bio Digestor Bin at Guru Nanak Park
Further to the news on 'BMC to give tax rebate for water harvesting, waste processing' Rustomjee has installed an Organic Waste Composter of Capacity: 80 kg per day at Guru Nanak Park, Bandra. The Residents have been groomed for source-level segregation and bio-degradable home waste is collected and processed by the housekeeping staff. Using aerobic microbial decomposition process it is converted naturally into organic manure. This small project helps the environment by avoiding dumping of 2.4 tons waste per month to the dumping ground. If this is up-scaled, it would facilitate a sustainable waste management solution for the city. This module is 100% environment-friendly as it works on a natural decomposition of bio-degradable waste, without the use of machinery or any non-renewable conventional energy sources like electricity, use of sow dust (causing cutting of trees). It is a self-reliant and self-sustainable system, generating rich organic manure for landscapes, vegetable/ terrace gardens etc. At Guru Nanak Park they have adopted Bio bins, a more sustainable and energy-conscious solution of processing wet waste compared to OWC machines. These Bio bins are a more efficient, natural and economical way forward to treating wet waste at a fraction of the cost of the regular machines, but the society will benefit the most with the electricity saved. Bio bins work by simply spraying the bin with bio culture (enzymes) that break down the wet waste, and the end product is perfect manure that can be used for gardens and common areas- all while producing no smell at all!