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India Power Sector to Discourage Chinese imports

BY Realty Plus

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More tariff barriers, subsidised financing for encouraging domestic equipment usage, rigorous testing of foreign equipment and prior permission requirements for imports from adversary countries, are some of the focus areas of India’ proposed power sector overhaul currently in the works. This comes in the backdrop of India contemplating an economic response against China and is part of a wider decoupling exercise embarked on by the Indian government since the 15 June border clashes with China. This dispensation will be applicable across the power sector value chain including generation, distribution and transmission, both in the conventional and the green energy space and also be applicable to smart meters currently being deployed across the country. It is very important to use equipment manufactured in India, as power is a strategic sector and added that whatever equipment is being imported will be tested and certified to prevent any ‘trojan horse’ or malware slipping through.

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Tags : ALLIED India Power Sector No Chinese imports manufactured in India green energy