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German Championship held in thyssenkrupp’s test tower for the first time

BY Realty Plus

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Good news for all TOWERRUN fans: Western Europe’s highest tower run starts on Sunday, September 15th, for the second time. For the first time, the thyssenkrupp test tower will be the official venue for the German Championship. Despite an increased number of starting places, all 1,000 positions were fully booked after only a few hours – 300 runners more than last year want to master the 1,390 steps and 232 meters of altitude of the test tower. A sporting challenge for runners of all ages and abilities. Just like last year, at 2019’s TOWERRUN there will be many international participants – both professionals and amateurs – from Austria, Mexico, Italy, France, England, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the USA. They all come to Baden-Württemberg’s oldest town to take part in the sporting event. Those who master the challenge will be rewarded with a breath-taking panorama view over the impressive Black Forest to the Swiss Alps. For the first time there will also be a police classification for active police officers in individual races. "The TOWERRUN has quickly established itself as an attraction and crowd-puller – far beyond the region. As a sporting event it is not only taken seriously but also enjoys an excellent reputation. Here, sports enthusiasts impressively demonstrate that urban mobility does not always have to be functional," explains Peter Walker, CEO thyssenkrupp Elevator. There will be 50 runners representing the company itself – even thyssenkrupp service technicians from Spain and Italy will come to Rottweil especially for the TOWERRUN. "For us, this challenge means conquering the highest heights. The test tower in Rottweil is an icon that people all over the world know and admire," says a delighted Francisco Blázquez Castaño, maintenance technician from Madrid. "We feel like winners just by participating. Our colleagues are very supportive and that encourages us to try harder and give our best at the TOWERRUN.” Massimiliano Avila, service technician from Italy, says: “Technology is my passion – as are real challenges. The TOWERRUN challenges us just like the ropeless MULTI that is tested in Rottweil challenges the whole elevator industry.” Besides professional and amateur runners, this year again there will be firefighters running in fixed teams of two. In the supreme discipline they will be running with fully working respirators – a special TOWERRUN highlight. Some of the firefighters take part for the second time – such as Marcel Pieper and Patrick Raapke from Dortmund, for example. Just like 2018, both will form a team again this year. “We would never try to reach our goal without each other. We are firefighters – it’s fundamental for us to rely on our partner as well as on the whole team. Moreover, there’s no real difference between the TOWERRUN and a firefighter operation: You never give up until your goal is achieved.” “To have the TOWERRUN and the German Championship here at the test tower is a real highlight for me. I especially look forward to the firefighters running – as I did last year”, says Beate Höhnle, manager of the test tower. The Rottweil test tower, inaugurated in 2017, is a veritable symbol for the engineering skills of thyssenkrupp. Here, thyssenkrupp Elevator works on the world’s one and only ropeless, vertically as well as horizontally moving elevator. Also, thyssenkrupp is testing some high-speed elevators for skyscrapers all over the world. For example, the latest generation of TWIN elevators with two independent cabins in just one shaft has been tested and certified there. Currently, TWIN elevators are installed in the mega construction project Hudson Yards in Manhattan – the first TWIN elevators in New York City. In addition to state-of-the-art technology, Germany's highest viewing platform has become a magnet for visitors to the region. As of the end of August 2019, around 380,000 visitors have already been on the platform. For Ralf Broß, Lord Mayor of the City of Rottweil, the TOWERRUN is therefore also a great event: "The TOWERRUN has developed in a very short time into a sports event with great appeal and represents a very special challenge for both trained top athletes and enthusiastic hobby runners. I am very happy that this year for the first time we succeeded in bringing the German Championship in tower running into the test tower. I wish all participants much success and a great experience here in Rottweil". The two most promising athletes are actually from Germany: Christian Riedl from Erlangen, who won in 2018, and his biggest rival, Görge Heimann from Cologne. Both will have to compete against participants from Mexico, Italy, and France. Especially the Frenchman Mickael Pourcelot has good chances to be among the top runners. Also taking part in the race are two of the ten best women tower runners: Sonja Shakespeare from the UK and Cristina Bonacina from Italy.

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