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BMC to Inaugurate Waste-to-energy Plant Near Haji Ali, Mumbai

BY Realty Plus

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The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Friday will inaugurate one of the first small-scale and localised waste-to-energy plants near Haji Ali. It can process 2 metric tonnes or 2,000 kg of wet waste per day. The plant, developed on an abandoned plot at Keshvrao Khade road near Haji Ali circle spread over 2,000 square feet, can generate 80 to 110 cubic meters of gas per day and 125 to 250 units of electricity per metric tonne of waste. Biodegradable kitchen waste like fruit/vegetable peels, tea leaves, coffee powder, egg shells, meat and bones, food scraps, leaves and flowers, which can be composted, is categorised as wet waste. Assistant Municipal Commissioner of D ward Prashant Gaikwad said, “The idea is to collect wet waste from the ward, especially from restaurants and eateries, which will reduce BMC’s load to transport it to the dumping ground. The energy generated will be used for street lighting of the area and lighting of a nearby garden.” The civic body said, "The plant is backed by the central government’s biotechnology department and operates on zero waste, zero emission concept. The plan will require 45 units of electricity and 2000 litres of water per day to process 2000 kg of wet waste." "The city generates about 7,500 metric tonnes of waste daily, of which 70 percent is wet waste. The civic body has reduced around 1,000 metric tonnes of garbage over the past couple of years by introducing measures such as compulsory processing of waste by bulk generators, establishments generating more than 100 kg waste daily on their premises, and segregation of wet and dry waste. Out of 3,300 bulk generators, half of them are flouting the rule despite several notices," said the BMC.  

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